Author: Vikas Thusoo

Canature WaterGroup Acquires Envirogard (Rainfresh) Aug 15, 2019 Canature WaterGroup NA Inc., announced today that it has acquired a controlling interest in Envirogard Products Limited. “The transaction will expand our presence in the retail sector and further position us as leaders in the North American water treatment industry,”...

Reverse Osmosis Technology In 1748, a French scientist Abbe Nollett noted that water naturally diffused through a pig bladder membrane into alcohol. It was eventually found that when a semi-permeable membrane separates two solutions of varying concentrations, the dilute solution always flows towards the concentrated solution. This...

Cysts, such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, are protozoan parasites found in intestinal tracts of animals. The feces of infected animals contaminates surface waters such as lakes, streams and ponds, shallow wells and ground water under the influence of surface water (GUDI). Both Cryptosporidium and Giardia...