08 May Rainfresh gravity filters help thousands in Nepal
Since the earthquake hit Nepal on April 29th, 2015, over 4,600 people have died. Canada quickly responded to support survivors by sending Canadian-made Rainfresh water purification units to Kathmandu, Nepal just four days after the quake.
Members of the Nepalese-Canadian community, GlobalMedic and MP Lois Brown met at our Envirogard facilities to send off the shipment of 2,000 ceramic gravity filters. Here is video coverage from CBC that explains briefly how the gravity water systems work. No electricity is required to operate the water filters, and the Canadian-made technology provides enough water for a family for an entire year.
We are thankful that our technology offers quick support and fresh, safe drinking water to people in need when disaster strikes.
Toured the Envirogard factory today w/ @globalmedicdmgf where 100’s of water purification units shipped out to Nepal. pic.twitter.com/aKJasQZr9r
— Lois Brown (@MPLoisBrown) April 29, 2015
Our Rainfresh units have arrived in #Nepal. Team loving the notes from Canada! @MPLoisBrown @Rainfreshfilter pic.twitter.com/BGg41Q9kyE — GlobalMedic (@globalmedicdmgf) May 4, 2015