Isolated Iraqi community avoids waterborne diseases with Rainfresh UV water treatment

Isolated Iraqi community avoids waterborne diseases with Rainfresh UV water treatment

Iraqi civilians line up to get fresh water from Rainfresh's water treatment system

Iraqi civilians line up to get fresh water from Rainfresh’s water treatment system

This year, we recently sent an AR10 emergency response water treatment system to Khanaqeen, Iraq, through GlobalMedic. Confined to an isolated, remote area, this Iraqi community lacked access to safe drinking water.

Our AquaResponse10 (AR10) uses a three-stage approach to water filtration, providing maximized purification. This high-tech Canadian-made water purification system removes sediment, dirt, particulates, taste, odour, organics and destroys water-borne bacteria, viruses and parasitic cysts . The AR10 has a high water production rate of up to 10 gallons per minute, which is enough water to hydrate a community of over 20,000 people daily.

A cyst is a resting stage of a parasite that helps it tide over unfavourable environmental conditions. When the parasite reaches favourable conditions (such as the human intestine), the cyst wall breaks and the microbe causes illness. Commonly known cysts are Giardia Lamblia and Cryptosporidium. They are present in stagnant waters such as dug wells, lakes, ponds and other surface waters. Cysts cause illnesses such as Giardiasis (commonly called Beaver Fever), stomach cramps, fever, diarrhea, etc.

Cysts are resistant to chlorination, the most common disinfection method used by municipalities. As such, it is possible to have cyst contamination even in chlorinated (municipally treated) water supplies. Physical removal of cysts from water by filtration is the most effective way of preventing illnesses from cyst. Rainfresh Drinking Water system 1, 2 and 3 are tested and certified for reduction of cyst from water.